I have a question I hope will be quick. I am parsing XML returned by eBay’s API using SWXMLHash for Swift. Some of the returns get quite verbose.
such as:
How would I go about compacting this to say:
is there a way to specify this in this instantiation? I have tried (which obviously did not work):
let xml = SWXMLHash.config {
config in
config.shouldProcessLazily = true
config.shouldProcessNamespaces = true
rootElementName = "findCompletedItemsResponse"
I would suggest doing something like:
let rootXml = xml["findCompletedItemsResponse"]["searchResults"]
// ...
let sellerID = rootXml["item"]...["sellerID"].element?.text
Each indexed level can be saved off into a variable - it is just an instance of XMLIndexer
that has been indexed down a certain level.
Hope this helps!