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System.ArgumentException on returned Bitmap

Relevant Code:

private Bitmap GetScreenShot()
        Bitmap screenImage = null;

        using (screenImage = new Bitmap(panelPreview.Width, panelPreview.Height))
            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(screenImage))
                Rectangle rectanglePanelVideoPreview = panelPreview.Bounds;
                Point sourcePoints = panelPreview.PointToScreen(new Point(panelPreview.ClientRectangle.X, panelPreview.ClientRectangle.Y));
                g.CopyFromScreen(sourcePoints, Point.Empty, rectanglePanelVideoPreview.Size);

        return screenImage;

Bitmap screenImage throws an exception as I step through the code and get to

return screenImage


For some reason the integrity of the Bitmap fails after it leaves

using (screenImage = new Bitmap(panelPreview.Width, panelPreview.Height))

Any assistance at all would be appreciated, thanks.


  • This happens because the code:

    using (screenImage = ...)

    Ends up disposing of screenImage. So what you end up returning is a disposed object.

    A slight modification of your code to remove the using will fix the problem:

    private Bitmap GetScreenShot()
        Bitmap screenImage = new Bitmap(panelPreview.Width, panelPreview.Height))
        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(screenImage))
            Rectangle rectanglePanelVideoPreview = panelPreview.Bounds;
            Point sourcePoints = panelPreview.PointToScreen(new Point(panelPreview.ClientRectangle.X, panelPreview.ClientRectangle.Y));
            g.CopyFromScreen(sourcePoints, Point.Empty, rectanglePanelVideoPreview.Size);
        return screenImage;

    But you should remember to call Dispose on that bitmap when you're done using it. Especially if this is something that you'll be doing often.