Search code examples

Can someone explain why the below queries function differently? Literally the only difference between the two is that

The below two queries are identical except that the first has >= on the last line and the second has =. Yet the first returns 129 rows, while the second returns 0. Today is 11-15-2016, so I expected them to return the same. The data type of date_time is date.

Can someone explain why simply changing the operator from >= to > changes the result? Thanks,

select orderid
    from order_log
    where order_version = 0
    and description = 'Order Complete'
    and date_time **>=** to_date('11-15-2016', 'MM-DD-YYYY')

select orderid
    from order_log
    where order_version = 0
    and description = 'Order Complete'
    and date_time **=** to_date('11-15-2016', 'MM-DD-YYYY')


  • date_time is a timestamp (date + time) and you don't have events that occurred exactly at midnight (2016-11-15 00:00:00).

    select          sysdate
                   ,case when sysdate = date '2016-11-16' then 'Y' else 'N' end as is_equal
     from           dual

    SYSDATE             IS_EQUAL
    2016-11-16 00:23:37 N