I have a many_to_many association with an explicit join_schema that references the same model on both ends (kind of like the classic Follower (is a user) <-> Followee (is a user) thing).
To stick with the example if I query for the followers of a user I want to include the time when the followed the user. This data obviously is located on the join schema (let's call is Subscription).
If would just want the followers I would do it like this:
followers = User
|> Repo.get!(user_id)
|> assoc(:followers)
|> Repo.all()
To have this working I would have defined this on the user:
join_through: MyApp.Subscription,
join_keys: [followee_id: :id, follower_id: :id]
So let's say there is a created_at
field on the Subscription
model. How would I query to get it?
Since you already have the Subscription
schema, you can define a has_many
schema "users" do
has_many :follower_subscriptions, MyApp.Subscription, foreign_key: :followee_id
has_many :followee_subscriptions, MyApp.Subscription, foreign_key: :follower_id
And then get the subscriptions using:
follower_subscriptions = User
|> Repo.get!(user_id)
|> Repo.preload(follower_subscriptions: :follower)
|> Repo.all()
will then be a list of Subscription
, each containing created_at
, followee
, followee_id
, and follower_id
Code untested; let me know if there's a typo.