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How to set x-www-form-urlencoded in the REST POST snap of Snaplogic?

I'm trying to create a pipeline which given the client ID and client secret, gets the access token for PayPal. I'm able to do it using Postman but I'm unable to do the same using Snaplogic.


In the above picture, you can see that I have to set grant_type in the Body section as x-www-form-urlencoded. How can I do this in a REST POST snap?


I'm not using the actual screenshot of my pipeline. Instead, I'm using the pic taken from this documentation which didn't prove useful in my case. Where can I set grant_type in the given snap (refer to the pic above)?

Update: I'm using a REST Basic Auth Account.


  • The grant_type should be set as an Query parameter see the following post:

    snapLogic REST Account for Yahoo OAuth2