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What is the latest realm object server AMI?

I need the latest HVM image. I see the following ids for us-east-1:

realm-object-server-hvm-20161028 - ami-5dd48d4a realm-object-server-hvm-1477556996 - ami-69b6e87e realm-object-server-hvm-1474909717 - ami-80347097 realm-object-server-hvm-20161027 - ami-d9f4aace

I'm assuming it's ami-5dd48d4a based on the date string in the name, but I'd like to be sure.

Update: I just launched a t2.micro with ami-5dd48d4a and cannot connect to the dashboard. Appears the server isn't installed. From my understanding, the purpose of the AMI was to have the installation done already. Advice on how to start, stop, or install the Realm Object Server if necessary on this AMI would be appreciated.


  • There was an issue in the AMIs that we published. This has been fixed as of yesterday. The new AMIs are:

    • ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo)
      • PV: ami-63e04b02
      • HVM: ami-2fe74c4e
    • eu-west-1 (Ireland)
      • PV: ami-d94414aa
      • HVM: ami-d84717ab
    • us-east-1 (N. Virginia)
      • PV: ami-89022b9e
      • HVM: ami-47022b50

    Our website will be updated with this soon.