Basically I am writing a Powershell script that will create a new core if one doesn't exist, update the schema.xml , restart the core and run the data import utility.
One solution is doing a
solr create -c products
That'll throw an error if it already exists, but it's not an elegant solution
The easiest solution would be to check a status of a core
Where core0 - name of the core
If core doesn't exist you will get
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">0</int></lst>
<lst name="initFailures"/>
<lst name="status"><lst name="core0"/></lst>
If core exists, you will get more info (just an example)
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">8</int>
<lst name="initFailures" />
<lst name="status">
<lst name="core0">
<str name="name">core0</str>
<str name="instanceDir">/var/lib/solr/core0</str>
<str name="dataDir">/var/lib/solr/core0/data/</str>
<str name="config">solrconfig.xml</str>
<str name="schema">schema.xml</str>
<date name="startTime">2016-11-11T15:31:38.250Z</date>
<long name="uptime">324812972</long>
<lst name="index">
<int name="numDocs">6954</int>
<int name="maxDoc">6954</int>
<int name="deletedDocs">0</int>
<long name="indexHeapUsageBytes">-1</long>
<long name="version">12</long>
<int name="segmentCount">1</int>
<bool name="current">true</bool>
<bool name="hasDeletions">false</bool>
<str name="directory">; maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0)</str>
<str name="segmentsFile">segments_3</str>
<long name="segmentsFileSizeInBytes">165</long>
<lst name="userData">
<str name="commitTimeMSec">1478791558730</str>
<date name="lastModified">2016-11-10T15:25:58.730Z</date>
<long name="sizeInBytes">2605023</long>
<str name="size">2.48 MB</str>