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After rebooting server on C9 my PostgreSQL database is empty

I had a Rails project on C9 with a SQLite 3 database. Recently I wanted to switch to a PostgreSQL database to be able to run a project on Heroku. All records from the SQLite 3 database were copied to the PostgreSQL database with the Sequel gem, without any issues. All records were passed to the new database and I was able to see it, however, after rebooting my C9 project, and starting the PostgreSQL service, and connecting it to my database, I found that there weren't any records inside the database. Or, it's not connected yet. I don't get it.

Every time I reboot the project, records from the PostgreSQL database disappear, I have to create a new database and migrate it again to see my records. What am I doing wrong?

Here is list of my actions:

sudo service postgresql start
psql -c "create database myapp_development owner=ubuntu"
sequel -C sqlite://db/development.sqlite3 postgres://ubuntu@""/myapp_development

Then update database.yml file records with:

  - adapter: postgresql
  - encoding: SQL_ASCII
  - database: myapp_development
  - pool: 5
  - username: ubuntu
  - password: password

Then run:

rake db:migrate

After these actions I can run the project and see my records.

After rebooting the project, I've tried to run the following commands:

sudo service postgresql start
psql myapp_development ubuntu

but it does not help me to see any records.

Please advise me if I've missed any command.


  • Run psql as the postgres user:

    sudo sudo -u postgres psql -d myapp_development -U ubuntu -W