I have a bunch of boilerplate code in regards to my lambdas. here is an crude
For the moment lets assume that myClass looks like this:
class myClass
std::function<void(int,int)> event;
std::function<void(std::string)> otherEvent;
<many more std::function's with different types>
With its lambdas assigned during runtime as such:
myClass->event =[](T something,T something2,T something3)
//do something else.
How I want it to look like:
void attachFunction(T& source, T yetAnotherFunction)
source = [](...)
//do something else.
so that I can call something like this:
attachFunction(myClass->event,[](int a,int b){});
attachFunction(myClass->otherEvent,[](std::string something){});
I simply want to pass along the parameters and make sure that they match.
How do I wrap this into a function, Assuming that I will have an undefined number of parameters and different types?
I have managed to solve this. This is my solution:
template <typename R, typename... Args>
void attachEvent(std::function<R(Args...)>& original,std::function<R(Args...)> additional)
original = [additional](Args... args)
std::cout << "Attached event!" << std::endl;
The original function is extended by additional, it erases previous functionality from original lambda.
Here is example usage:
std::function<void(float,float,float)> fn = [](float a ,float b,float c){};
std::function<void(float,float,float)> additional = [](float a,float b,float c){std::cout << a << b << c << std::endl;};
Which should print in sequence:
Attached Event!