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OWLAPI ObjectPropertyChain axioms

We know that in Protege is possible to create axioms with role chain and since Protege is based on OWLAPI should be possible to create them. I did not found examples in the official documentation, so it is possible to do it? One example here:

enter image description here

With the OWL syntax we have:

Declaration( ObjectProperty( :isEmployedAt ) )

ObjectPropertyAssertion( :isEmployedAt :Martin :SC )

SubObjectPropertyOf( ObjectPropertyChain( :isEmployedAt :isPartOf ) :isEmployedAt)

So, what is the equivalent in OWLAPI?


  • OWLDataFactory::getOWLSubPropertyChainOfAxiom(java.util.List<? extends OWLObjectPropertyExpression> chain,OWLObjectPropertyExpression superProperty)

    See Javadoc