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How to share a group of python module using Conda

I have 30 users that have Anaconda installed. What is the best way to create share directories that contain a group of packages (with their dependenccies) ? Let say that for some project we need to have a common list of packages on top of the standard Anaconda version. What is the best way to achieve that ?

  • conda list --export > package-list.txt and reinstall packages from an export file: conda create -n myenv --file package-list.txt but each user will need to install these packages on their PC and it could be an issue to do that on a server for example

  • use channel and put all our packages but I didn't find an automatic way to do that and to put a list of python packages with their dependencies.

  • I am not sure that conda env will help since I want the installation to be done on a specific directory (on a share disk)

Is there a better option ? I never did that before so maybe I am not looking in the right direction. The other constraint is that we are using Windows 7.


  • Option 1 is probably the standard/best option. Shouldn't be a problem doing this on a server as long as you have access to the Internet. If you want it in a specific directory, you can specify this with the --path parameter in your call to conda create.