I have tried to get this to work and am growing more and more frustrated. I have used the examples in the docs but they are throwing errors.
Specifically this field:
To: [&UserFeed]
Throws this error:
does not compile: expected type, found ','
Here is code snippet:
getstream_client, err := getstream.New(&getstream.Config{
APIKey: os.Getenv("STREAM_API_KEY"),
APISecret: os.Getenv("STREAM_API_SECRET"),
AppID: os.Getenv("STREAM_APP_ID"),
Location: "us-west",
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERR :", err)
UserFeed, err := getstream_client.FlatFeed("user", u.StreamId)
if err != nil {
return err
GlobalFeed, err := getstream_client.FlatFeed("user", "global")
if err != nil {
return err
activity := &getstream.Activity{
Actor: UserFeed.FeedID(),
ForeignID: uuid.New(),
To: [&UserFeed],
Verb: "attempt",
activity, err = GlobalFeed.AddActivity(activity);
if err != nil {
return err
The TO field should look like this. Hope this helps someone:
To: []getstream.Feed{UserFeed}