In Excel, I am able to add validation rules to a range of cells and limit the accepted input to a list of values displayed in a dropdown. This is done using the Data Validation tool, as pictured below:
I have some C# code that generates an excel sheet, and I would like to add this same kind of validation to one of the columns.
Using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
, I am able to add this kind of dropdown validation to an entire column:
string flatList = "FirstChoice,SecondChoice,ThirdChoice";
//select the entire first row as the range
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range range = worksheet.get_Range("A1").EntireColumn;
//remove any previously existing validation
//add new validation
range.Validation.IgnoreBlank = true;
range.Validation.InCellDropdown = true;
The problem is, I can't guarantee that my user has Microsoft Office installed. I therefore want to instead use DocumentFormat.OpenXML
Is it possible to add this same type of dropdown validation using OpenXML?
I've seen some posts using DataValidation
, yet have not been able to figure how to get that to work, and if that will solve my problem.
With a bit more digging, I was able to figure out how to use DataValidation
to add dropdown validation to entire column in my Excel sheet using DocumentFormat.OpenXml
string flatList = "FirstChoice,SecondChoice,ThirdChoice";
DataValidation dataValidation = new DataValidation
Type = DataValidationValues.List,
AllowBlank = true,
//Use A:A or A1:A1048576 to select the entire column A
//1048576 (2^20) is the max row number since Excel 2007.
SequenceOfReferences = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "A:A" },
//Set the formula to the list of dropdown values. Escape the double quotes.
Formula1 = new Formula1("\"" + flatList + "\"")
//Check if there are any other DataValidations already in the worksheet
DataValidations dvs = worksheet.GetFirstChild<DataValidations>();
if (dvs != null)
//If you already have existing validation for column A, you may need to Remove()
//or Replace() the current validation to get the new validation to show.
//Add the new DataValidation to the list of DataValidations
dvs.Count = dvs.Count + 1;
DataValidations newDVs = new DataValidations();
newDVs.Count = 1;
//Append the validation to the DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpreadSheet.Worksheet variable