I'm using iBATIS to create select statements.
I have 4 conditions, like aUsers, bUsers, cUsers and dUsers and let's call my table as b
Now I would like to implement the following SQL statement with iBATIS:
b.aUsers=aUsers OR b.bUsers=bUsers OR b.cUsers=cUsers OR b.dUsers=dUsers
if aUsers is null and rest are not then i want the query to be
b.bUsers=bUsers OR b.cUsers=cUsers OR b.dUsers=dUsers
if cUsers is null and rest are not then i want the query to be
b.aUsers=aUsers OR b.bUsers=bUsers OR b.dUsers=dUsers
How can I create such a query in ibatis?
In cases like that you need to create Dynamic Queries.
You may use Unary Conditional Elements
to check if the properties are null or not.
Checks if a property is null.
Checks if a property is not null
Furthermore, Your case could require a nested isNotNull
|| isNull
anidadement. So you just would do something similar like next where you checks if aUsers is null or not, and then the other properties:
<select id="getUsers" parameterClass="USER" resultMap="your-result-map" >
select * from b
<dynamic prepend="WHERE">
<isNull prepend="AND" property="aUsers">
<isNotNull property="bUsers">
<!-- ... and so on -->
<!-- your condition -->
<isNotNull prepend="AND" property="aUsers">
<isNull property="bUsers">
<!-- ... and so on -->
<!-- your condition -->