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ffmpeg jpeg stream to webm only creates a file .webm with 1 frame (snapshot) or empty .webm file (mjpeg)

my problem is that when i try to turn a series of jpegs into a webm video. I either get a webm file with a single frame or a webm file with nothing in it (0 kb).

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var outStream = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname+'/output.webm');
var ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');

this one is a mjpeg stream URL. it produces a file with nothing.

//var proc = new ffmpeg({source:'',timeout:0})

this one is a snapshot URL. it produces a file with a single frame.

var proc = new ffmpeg({source:'',timeout:0})


I have tried to use pipe instead but no dice :(


any help is appreciated.

at this point i am up for using a basic shell command with exec but when i try that i just get errors also. Yes, it goes without saying I am a noob.

Side note:

I have tried things like zoneminder but it just breaks with our cameras and the number of cameras. so i am making a bare bones solution to record them. With our current cloud service we are missing very important moments and its costing more in energy and time.


  • thanks everyone that had a look and tried to figure it out :)

    i have had some success with this method. It essentially works off a snapshot URL instead of the MJPEG. this uses request. but you could technically use anything since the method is using a pipe. image2pipe.

    var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
    var request = require('request');
    var args = '-f image2pipe -r 1 -vcodec mjpeg -i - -f webm -r 1 test3.webm';
    var encoder = spawn('ffmpeg', args.split(' '));
    var interval = function(){

    i could have used setInterval but i only wanted it to try again after it finished the request.

    EDIT: it turns out my camera was down when i was trying to use the method in the initial questions so im not sure if it works... but i know this does for MJPEG

    var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
    var args = '-f mjpeg -framerate 1 -i -vcodec libvpx -framerate 1 -bitrate 256k video_file.webm -y';
    var encoder = spawn('ffmpeg', args.split(' '));