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Haskell: simplehttp appending "%0D"?

I am using simplehttp to query webpage. eg: let webLink = "" and number= 257 (number is read from file).

res <- simpleHttp $ "webLink" ++ number

It is working fine on windows but on mac, it is throwing error 404 as its showing path as "" I have no idea where this "%0D" is coming from because printing number is giving me 257 . I have tried filtering "%0D" as well like below, but still mac is showing error 404 due to %0D in path...Please suggest.

res <- simpleHttp $ (filter (not . (`elem` "%0D")) ("webLink" ++ number))


  • The 0x0D character is a component of the newline sequence on windows but not on mac. You are probably reading in a line from your windows-encoded file that contains a windows newline that your mac doesn't understand without a little help from you.