I'd like to write a sandbox virtual machine for executing a compiled program. My goal is to isolate that program from the rest of operating system and control its execution so that it can't do anything harmful to a host computer.
I assume that:
My concept of sandbox virtual machine's architecture and operation:
What do you think: is it a good concept? What would you change to improve it?
Simulating a complete machine seems like a very slow way to execute native code. Lots of operations with load, lookup, execute, store, etc just for a single native instruction.
I would try to execute at least some blocks of code natively. Think of the following code.
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
sum += i;
This code is completely safe to execute native in your virtual machine. Just make sure that you inject a return call to your virtual machine code.
But I would try to go a step further and execute all code natively except for library/os calls. Before loading the sandboxed application, scan through the file and replace all "dangerous" calls with calls to handlers in your virtual machine.
The code
printf("Hello World\n");
would be replaced with calls to your library
myVM_printf("Hello World\n");
Then you can execute the whole program at native speed and still be able to handle all the dangerous code in your virtual machine.