I'm playing around with the reporting api v4 from google analytics. I want to display a graph in my backend, where I show the last 30 days of some metrics. The problem is, I only get accumulated / summed values.
For example this is a body I'm sending to the api
body = {
reportRequests: [{
dateRanges: [
startDate: Date.parse('2016/10/01'),
endDate: Date.parse('2016/10/31')
viewId: '12345',
metrics: [{ expression: "ga:users" }],
dimensions: [{ name: "ga:pagePath" }]
And then I get a lot of URLs (of course, I haven't filtered the output) like this:
{"metricHeaderEntries"=>[{"name"=>"ga:users", "type"=>"INTEGER"}]}},
[{"dimensions"=>["/"], "metrics"=>[{"values"=>["2854"]}]},
{"dimensions"=>["/?extlink_img=0"], "metrics"=>[{"values"=>["113"]}]},
{"dimensions"=>["/?v=338"], "metrics"=>[{"values"=>["12"]}]},
But how should I query the api, when I want the user count of the last 30 days, for a specific route, e.g. /
? Is this even possible?
I found it out by myself, there is a dimension for this: ga:date
body = {
reportRequests: [{
dateRanges: [
startDate: Date.parse('2016/10/01'),
endDate: Date.parse('2016/10/31')
viewId: '12345',
metrics: [{ expression: "ga:users" }],
dimensions: [{ name: "ga:pagePath" }, {name: 'ga:date'}]
There are other time related dimensions as well https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/dimsmets#view=detail&group=time