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Use and over use of static variables

Is it recommended to use static variables where ever I am comfortable with?

Because I tend to use it more often now. Is there any thing like using static variables is a bad practice or it will fill up the memory quickly?

Currently I am doing small games with c++. So to maintain some states like jump position and animation time I have to use static variables in a function and that function will be called multiple times in a loop. So static variables will do that Job. Is there any oo patterns to get over this problem?

void jumpit(){
    static int jump ;
    if( !jump && pressed)
    if (jump)

And in the loop I will call this to get the Job we have any better idea to do the same??


  • Your "obj" could keep track of its own state.

    A free standing jumpit function could be implemented as:

    void jumpit(Object& obj, bool pressed)
            if( !obj.jump && pressed)
                  obj.jump = true;
            if (obj.jump)

    Or it might be better to implement jumpit as part of "Object"

    It is almost never a good idea to keep state in a function.