we are using grgit to update files in github.
def grgit = Grgit.open(dir: repoDir)
grgit.add(patterns: ['src'], update: false) // False should even add new files
grgit.commit(message: 'Updated subsets', amend: false)
we checkout from git and delete, add, modify files in a directory and commit and push directory back to github.
now while we do grgit.add and keep update:false it Add new files but doesn't remove deleted files. and if we do update:true it doesn't add the new files and only do changes to tracked files.
how to add and remove files together like git add -A in grgit. please help
Grgit is based on JGit, which does not currently have an equivalent to git add -A
You have to do this as two separate steps:
grgit.add(patterns: ['src'], update: true)
grgit.add(patterns: ['src'])