I have a shelved dictionary 'word_dictionary' in a file and I can access it in the main program. I need to make a user able to add an entry to the dictionary. But I'm unable to save the entry in the shelved dictionary and I get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Jess/Documents/Python/Coursework/Coursework.py", line 16, in <module>
word_dictionary= dict(shelf['word_dictionary'])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
When the code loops back around - the code works on the first run.
This is the code which is meant to update the dictionary:
shelf = shelve.open("word_list.dat")
shelf[(new_txt_file)] = new_text_list
shelf['word_dictionary'] = (shelf['word_dictionary']).update({(new_dictionary_name):(new_dictionary_name)})
#not updating
And this is the code which doesn't work after the update doesn't complete (I don't think this is part of the problem but I may be wrong)
shelf = shelve.open("word_list.dat")
word_dictionary= dict(shelf['word_dictionary'])
Thank you in advance for your help and patience! UPDATE This is the start of the code where I call word_dictionary which is imported:
while True:
shelf = shelve.open("word_list.dat")
word_dictionary= dict(shelf['word_dictionary'])
word_keys = list(word_dictionary.keys())
This is how the original dictionary I want to add to sits:
shelf['word_dictionary'] = {'Hope Words': 'hope_words', 'Merry Words': 'merry_words', 'Amazement Words': 'amazement_words'}
The problem is that you have to separate shelve database updates from objects loaded by the database into memory.
shelf['word_dictionary'] = (shelf['word_dictionary']).update({(new_dictionary_name):(new_dictionary_name)})
This code loaded the dict
into memory, called its update
method, assigned the result of the update
method back to the shelf then deleted the updated in-memory dictionary. But dict.update
returns None and you overwrote the dictionary completely. You put the dict in a variable, update, and then save the variable.
words = shelf['word_dictionary']
shelf['word_dictionary'] = words
There was a question whether the new data is saved when the shelf is closed. Here is an example
# Create a shelf with foo
>>> import shelve
>>> shelf = shelve.open('word_list.dat')
>>> shelf['foo'] = {'bar':1}
>>> shelf.close()
# Open the shelf and its still there
>>> shelf = shelve.open('word_list.dat')
>>> shelf['foo']
{'bar': 1}
# Add baz
>>> data = shelf['foo']
>>> data['baz'] = 2
>>> shelf['foo'] = data
>>> shelf.close()
# Its still there
>>> shelf = shelve.open('word_list.dat')
>>> shelf['foo']
{'baz': 2, 'bar': 1}