I was wondering if there is a quicker way to "search" part of a line's string of text and find non-static values and save them to variables?
For instance, I can't really use Substring and search for part of a line because the values in the " " are never the same length.
Example part of the text file that I am reading in:
<I_Sect IDCode="20001" Description="This is desc" Quantity="1000" InclKind="Inc" />
The id names : IDCode Description Quantity and InclKind
never change
The values do change: 20001 ... This is desc... etc
Is there a quicker way to search the "" after I do a substring to find the id name and grab how ever long the string between the "" is?
Current code:
Dim list As New List(Of String)()
Dim file As New System.IO.StreamReader(DisplayFile)
While Not file.EndOfStream
Dim line As String = file.ReadLine()
End While
Console.WriteLine("{0} lines read", list.Count)
'RichTextBox1.Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(DisplayFile)
For counter As Integer = 0 To list.Count
If list(counter).Substring(0, 7) = "<I_Sect" Then
'Do a substring of the line to see if I can locate Description ID string
' .............
Dim desc As String = ' .... [the valve I grab will be "This is desc"]
End If
Using this xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<I_Sect IDCode="20001" Description="This is desc 1" Quantity="10001" InclKind="Inc 1" />
<I_Sect IDCode="20002" Description="This is desc 2" Quantity="10002" InclKind="Inc 2" />
<I_Sect IDCode="20003" Description="This is desc 3" Quantity="10003" InclKind="Inc 3" />
<I_Sect IDCode="20004" Description="This is desc 4" Quantity="10004" InclKind="Inc 4" />
<I_Sect IDCode="20005" Description="This is desc 5" Quantity="10005" InclKind="Inc 5" />
You can define a corresponding model you can use to deserialize the file.
Imported namespaces
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Public Class Root
Public Property I_SecMain As I_SecMain
End Class
Public Class I_SecMain
Public Property I_SecTop As I_SecTop
End Class
Public Class I_SecTop
Public Property I_SecBrac As I_SecBrac
End Class
Public Class I_SecBrac
Public Property I_Sects As List(Of I_Sect)
End Class
Public Class I_Sect
Public Property IDCode As Integer
Public Property Description As String
Public Property Quantity As Integer
Public Property InclKind As String
End Class
And very simply deserialize the file into strongly typed objects
Dim DisplayFile = "test.xml"
Dim myRoot As Root
Dim mySerializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(Root))
Using fs As New FileStream(DisplayFile, FileMode.Open)
myRoot = mySerializer.Deserialize(fs)
End Using
which can be iterated over.
For Each isect In myRoot.I_SecMain.I_SecTop.I_SecBrac.I_Sects
String.Format("ID Code: {0}, Description: {1}, Quantity: {2}, InclKind: {3}",
isect.IDCode, isect.Description, isect.Quantity, isect.InclKind))
From here, it's a matter of defining your model accurately (you didn't post it in your question) and just retrieving properties from the deserialized objects.
Using serialization, it's trivial to write to the file as well, if that's a requirement.
Using fs As New FileStream(DisplayFile, FileMode.Open)
mySerializer.Serialize(fs, myRoot)
End Using