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Pentaho - repository Creation Issue

Am trying to create Repository in Pentaho DI by using SQl server and Mysql, in that am facing a issue,

Please some one can help me to resolve that .

Repositary login failed.
Detailed cause:org.pentaho.di.core.exception,kettleException:
Error connecting to the repositary!The version of the repository is -1.-1.
    This Kettle edition requires it to be at least version 5.0 and as such an upgrade is required.

    To upgrade, backup your database and export the repository to XML for additional safety.

    Then select the 'Edit' button followed by the 'Create or Upgrade' button.

    Please consult the Upgrade Guide for eventually special instructions for this version.


  • Try following steps:

    1. Check the existence of "\data-integration\lib\mysql-connector-java-5.1.16-bin.jar
    2. create a new database as repository,
    3. select button [create|update], when select Dry run, please select N.

    See dialog screenshot

    enter image description here