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How to emulate hyper key in Windows 10 using autohotkey

I'm migrating my mac workflow to Windows. One thing I couldn't live without is hyper key which is combination of Ctrl + Option + Shift + Cmd. I use Karabiner app to remap Capslock to this Hyper key. I have heard that Autohotkey is an Karabiner alternative for Windows. Could you guys please help me to emulate this feature in Windows.

My ideal result is:

  • Deactivate Capslock completely because I rarely use this
  • Toggle Capslock will perform ESC key
  • Hold down Capslock will perform Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Windows. For example Capslock + C will be Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Windows+C

Many thanks in advance!

The following is my attempt with ahk script but it doesn't work at all :(

; hyper key for windows

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; notes
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; ! = alt
; ^ = ctrl
; + = shift
; # = lwin|rwin
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance force

SendMode Input

;; deactivate capslock completely
SetCapslockState, AlwaysOff

;; remap capslock to hyper
SendInput {Blind}{Ctrl Down}{Alt Down}{Shift Down}{LWin Down}

Capslock up::
SendInput {Blind}{Ctrl Up}{Alt Up}{Shift Up}{LWin Up}

;; vim navigation with hyper
^!+#h:: SendInput {Blind}{Left}
^!+#h up:: SendInput {Blind}{Left Up}
^!+#l:: SendInput {Blind}{Right}
^!+#k:: SendInput {Blind}{Up}
^!+#j:: SendInput {Blind}{Down}

;; popular hotkeys with hyper


  • Thanks for anyone trying to help me, I figured out the prob on my own and would like to share it in case anyone comes across this prob.

    #NoEnv ; recommended for performance and compatibility with future autohotkey releases.
    #SingleInstance force
    SendMode Input
    ;; deactivate capslock completely
    SetCapslockState, AlwaysOff
    ;; remap capslock to hyper
    ;; if capslock is toggled, remap it to esc
    ;; note: must use tidle prefix to fire hotkey once it is pressed
    ;; not until the hotkey is released
        ;; must use downtemp to emulate hyper key, you cannot use down in this case 
        ;; according to, downtemp is as same as down except for ctrl/alt/shift/win keys
        ;; in those cases, downtemp tells subsequent sends that the key is not permanently down, and may be 
        ;; released whenever a keystroke calls for it.
        ;; for example, Send {Ctrl Downtemp} followed later by Send {Left} would produce a normal {Left}
        ;; keystroke, not a Ctrl{Left} keystroke
        Send {Ctrl DownTemp}{Shift DownTemp}{Alt DownTemp}{LWin DownTemp}
        KeyWait, Capslock
        Send {Ctrl Up}{Shift Up}{Alt Up}{LWin Up}
        if (A_PriorKey = "Capslock") {
            Send {Esc}
    ;; vim navigation with hyper
    ~Capslock & h:: Send {Left}
    ~Capslock & l:: Send {Right}
    ~Capslock & k:: Send {Up}
    ~Capslock & j:: Send {Down}
    ;; popular hotkeys with hyper
    ~Capslock & c:: Send ^{c}
    ~Capslock & v:: Send ^{v}