With this dataset, where I have a factor with 3 levels (iso), and two continuous variables (temp and diam)
zz <-(" iso temp diam
Itiquira 22 5.0
Itiquira 22 4.7
Itiquira 22 5.4
Itiquira 25 5.8
Itiquira 25 5.4
Itiquira 25 5.0
Itiquira 28 4.9
Itiquira 28 5.2
Itiquira 28 5.2
Itiquira 31 4.2
Itiquira 31 4.0
Itiquira 31 4.1
Londrina 22 4.5
Londrina 22 5.0
Londrina 22 4.4
Londrina 25 5.0
Londrina 25 5.5
Londrina 25 5.3
Londrina 28 4.6
Londrina 28 4.3
Londrina 28 4.9
Londrina 31 4.4
Londrina 31 4.1
Londrina 31 4.4
Sinop 22 4.5
Sinop 22 5.2
Sinop 22 4.6
Sinop 25 5.7
Sinop 25 5.9
Sinop 25 5.8
Sinop 28 6.0
Sinop 28 5.5
Sinop 28 5.8
Sinop 31 4.5
Sinop 31 4.6
Sinop 31 4.3"
df <- read.table(text=zz, header = TRUE)
I fit a curve for each factor level and I need to plot them in a same graphic.
Is there a way to do this next plot all the curves at once, avoiding repeating the same function "+ geom_smooth(...)" for each level factor (iso)?
daf <- groupedData(diam ~ temp | iso, data = df, order = FALSE)
ip <- ggplot(data=daf, aes(x=temp, y=diam, colour = iso)) +
geom_point() + facet_wrap(~iso)
ip + geom_smooth(method = "nls",
method.args = list(formula = y ~ thy * exp(thq * (x-thx)^2 + thc * (x - thx)^3),
start = list(thy=5.4, thq=-0.01, thx=25, thc=0.0008)),
se = F, size = 0.5, data = subset(daf, iso=="Itiquira")) +
geom_smooth(method = "nls",
method.args = list(formula = y ~ thy * exp(thq * (x-thx)^2 + thc * (x - thx)^3),
start = list(thy=5.4, thq=-0.01, thx=25, thc=0.0008)),
se = F, size = 0.5, data = subset(daf, iso=="Londrina")) +
geom_smooth(method = "nls",
method.args = list(formula = y ~ thy * exp(thq * (x-thx)^2 + thc * (x - thx)^3),
start = list(thy=5.4, thq=-0.01, thx=25, thc=0.0008)),
se = F, size = 0.5, data = subset(daf, iso=="Sinop"))
You can get the same plot without repeating the same function for each level factor (iso) like this:
ggplot(data=daf, aes(x=temp, y=diam, colour = iso)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(~iso) +
method.args=list(formula=y ~ thy * exp(thq * (x-thx)^2 + thc * (x - thx)^3),
start=list(thy=5.4, thq=-0.01, thx=25, thc=0.0008)),
se = F,
size = 0.5)