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How does one specify multi-line strings in Typesafe Config?

I have the following configuration file that I want to use from Scala applying this library:

P11 {

P12 {

P13 {
id = "123 567 \
T 0: \
If (f 23 <= 0.0)"

This is how I do it:

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

val configFileName = "/usr/develop/tests/config.conf"
val parsedConfigMCF = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(configFileName))
val confMCF = ConfigFactory.load(parsedConfigMCF)

Then I get the error:

Expecting a value but got wrong token: 'newline' (backslash followed by 'newline', this is not a valid escape sequence

It looks like it does not like \ (backslash), but I need to put several lines for id in P13.


  • From official documentation of Typesafe Config:

    multi-line strings with triple quotes as in Python or Scala


    P13 {
      id = """123 567
    T 0:
    If (f 23 <= 0.0)"""

    Careful with indentation on subseqent lines: any whitespace included at the beginning of the line will be included in the value.