Is there a way to display an info log when selecting a certain record in a dropdown menu/based on a field value?
For example:
When creating a new Quotation, if I select a customer which is bankrupt (so the value on the field bankrupt is true
for that customer.) I want to show a info dialog: "Bankrupt!" I want to show this before the record is being created, at the moment it is being selected.
In your form find the field you want (form layout, no datasource), override Modified
method an put your code before super();
To get the value use: this.text();
Here you can get the select value before insert.
Code example:
public boolean modified()
boolean ret;
CustTable custTable = CustTable::find(this.text());
if (custTable.Bankrupt == NoYes::Yes)
ret = super();
return ret;