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"Multiple definitions of node mu[1,2]" error in WinBUGS

I am trying to solve multivariate regression with multiple dependent variables on Winbugs. But I am getting errors during compilations. I tried to solve based on solutions to the same problem but was unsuccessful. Any help will be highly appreciated.

model {
for(i in 1:n) 
{ for(k in 1:J)
 {                  y[i,k]~ dpois(mu[i,])
                    log(mu[i,1]) <- beta1[1]*x1[i] + beta2[1]*x2[i] + b[,1]
                    log(mu[i,2]) <- beta1[2]*x1[i] + beta2[2]*x2[i] + b[,2]

     for (i in 1:n) { 
      for(k in 1:J)  {
      b[i,k] <- 1
# Scale Matrix
     for(i in 1:J)
     for (j in 1:J) 
       R[i,j] <- equals(i,j)
    for (j in 1:J) {beta1[j]~ dmnorm(zero[], B[,])
       beta2[j]~ dmnorm(zero[], B[,]) }
    for(i in 1:J)
         for (j in 1:J) 
       {  B[i,j] <- 0.01*equals(i,j)
    for (i in 1:J) { zero[i] <- 0}

list(n=3, J=2)

y[ ,1]  x1[]    x2[]    y[,2]   
   0       9.91     8.34     1               
  3    10.48    10.14    79          
 0     10.31    9.42     40


  • The error is because you have mu nested within two for loops. Therefore, you are filling row i J times which is not possible. What you have is:

    for(i in 1:n){
    for(k in 1:J){
                 y[i,k]~ dpois(mu[i,])
                    log(mu[i,1]) <- beta1[1]*x1[i] + beta2[1]*x2[i] + b[,1]
                    log(mu[i,2]) <- beta1[2]*x1[i] + beta2[2]*x2[i] + b[,2]

    What it looks like it should be is:

    for(i in 1:n){
                    log(mu[i,1]) <- beta1[1]*x1[i] + beta2[1]*x2[i] + b[,1]
                    log(mu[i,2]) <- beta1[2]*x1[i] + beta2[2]*x2[i] + b[,2]
    for(k in 1:J){
                 y[i,k]~ dpois(mu[i,])

    This way you are not supplying multiple definitions to each cell in mu