I'm trying to implement a Jpeg encoding setup on top of freeRTOS. The main task initialises the capture unit.
void Video_SNAPThread(void* pvParameters)
while (1)
capture_startSNAP(); /* SNAPSHOT Capture - Encode API*/
vTaskSuspend(xHandleSNAP); /* Task Suspend - within context*/
The capture_start
function configures the sensor parameters and starts the capture unit which triggers a callback function on end of each frame (A frame end interrupt).
capture_startSNAP definition is as given below
int capture_startSNAP()
TickType_t xMaxBlockTime;
xMaxBlockTime = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 4000 );
#if defined(__1ST_PORT__) && !defined(__2ND_PORT__)
sysprintf("Plug in sensor to port 0\n");
#if !defined(__1ST_PORT__) && defined(__2ND_PORT__)
sysprintf("Plug in sensor to port 1\n");
#if defined(__1ST_PORT__) && defined(__2ND_PORT__)
sysprintf("Plug in sensor to port 1 and port 2\n");
sysSetInterruptPriorityLevel(IRQ_VIN, 2);
sysSetInterruptPriorityLevel(IRQ_VIN1, 1);
configASSERT( xTask_Notify == NULL );
xTask_Notify = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
while((ulTaskNotifyTake(Task_Woken , xMaxBlockTime ) == 0));
return 0;
The Smpl_NT99141_HD_SNAP
function sets up the call back function and starts the capture.The ISR notifies the end of frame and in turn should do a context switch to the Video_SNAPThread
task for further data processing. I have used task notification method to switch from the ISR back to the Video_snapthread
for encoding, but its not working.
void VideoIn_InterruptHandler_SNAP(void)
Task_Woken = pdFALSE;
configASSERT( xTask_Notify != NULL );
vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR( xTask_Notify, &Task_Woken );
xTask_Notify = NULL;
portYIELD_FROM_ISR( Task_Woken );
Please correct me if I'm wrong somewhere. Still a novice in freeRTOS.
The problem has been solved. Apparently, the 'Debug' printf() inside the interrupt triggered the issue.