When I try to evaluate the following code in F# interactive console I get three separated chart windows (one for chartA, one for chartB and one for combined chart). How to prevent of displaying chart every time it's created? I want to display only the combined chart in single chart window.
let chartA = setA |> Chart.Point |> Chart.WithSeries.Style(System.Drawing.Color.Orange)
let chartB = setB |> Chart.Point |> Chart.WithSeries.Style(System.Drawing.Color.Gold)
let chartC = Chart.Combine [|chartA; chartB|]
You can use scope
let chartC =
let chartA = setA |> Chart.Point |> Chart.WithSeries.Style(System.Drawing.Color.Orange)
let chartB = setB |> Chart.Point |> Chart.WithSeries.Style(System.Drawing.Color.Gold)
Chart.Combine [|chartA; chartB|]
Or without the locals
let chartC (setA:seq<float*float>) (setB:seq<float*float>) =
[| setA |> Chart.Point |> Chart.WithSeries.Style(System.Drawing.Color.Orange) ;
setB |> Chart.Point |> Chart.WithSeries.Style(System.Drawing.Color.Gold) |]
|> Chart.Combine