Exists, in asp.net-core, a command similar to AntiForgery.Validate();
to validate antiforgery token in the action body?
Code example in dotnet 4.5.1:
public ActionResult Index()
if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
// rest of action
Antiforgery token validation can be done automatically using filter attributes in your controllers.
to validate the token on all "unsafe" methods. (Methods other than GET, HEAD, TRACE, OPTIONS).[ValidateAntiforgeryToken]
to always validate the token[IgnoreAntiforgeryToken]
to ignore token validationYou can combine these attributes to achieve the granularity you need. For example:
//Validate all 'unsafe' actions except the ones with the ignore attribute
public class MyApi: Controller
public IActionResult DoSomething(){ }
public IActionResult DoSomethingElse(){ }
public IActionResult DoSomethingSafe(){ }
//Validate only explicit actions
public class ArticlesController: Controller
public IActionResult Index(){ }
public IActionResult Create(){ }
I have noticed the documentation isnt fully ready in the docs site, but you can see a draft of it in the github issue.