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Graphhopper: ClassCastException when calculating path with CH Astar/Dikstra Bi

Using only WGS84 coordinates I can write the graph and index to disk. In another java project I read graph and index from disk. This also works fine with the following code.

FlagEncoder encoder = new CarFlagEncoder();
EncodingManager em = new EncodingManager(encoder);

GraphBuilder gb = new GraphBuilder(em).
    setCHGraph(new FastestWeighting(encoder));

// Load and use the graph
GraphHopperStorage graph = gb.load();

// Load index
LocationIndex index = new LocationIndexTree(graph.getBaseGraph(), graph.getDirectory());
if (!index.loadExisting())
    throw new IllegalStateException("location index cannot be loaded!");

AlgorithmOptions algoOpts = AlgorithmOptions.start().algorithm(Parameters.Algorithms.ASTAR_BI).
weighting(new FastestWeighting(encoder)).

PrepareContractionHierarchies pch = new PrepareContractionHierarchies(graph.getDirectory(), graph, graph.getGraph(CHGraphImpl.class), new FastestWeighting(encoder), TraversalMode.NODE_BASED);

QueryResult fromQR = index.findClosest(fromCoordinate.x, fromCoordinate.y, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
QueryResult toQR = index.findClosest(toCoordinate.x, toCoordinate.y, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
QueryGraph queryGraph = new QueryGraph(graph);
queryGraph.lookup(fromQR, toQR);

RoutingAlgorithm algorithm = pch.createAlgo(queryGraph, algoOpts);

Path path = algorithm.calcPath(fromQR.getClosestNode(), toQR.getClosestNode());

However, first I wonder why the preparation of the contraction hierarchies needs so much time. I would have expected that the preparation had been done already. Is this done again? What's the purpose of the file named "shortcuts_fastest_car"?

Second, I receive a confusing ClassCastException once algorithm.calcPath is called.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:$EdgeIterable cannot be cast to com.graphhopper.util.CHEdgeIteratorState
at com.graphhopper.routing.util.LevelEdgeFilter.accept(
at com.graphhopper.routing.AbstractRoutingAlgorithm.accept(
at com.graphhopper.routing.AStarBidirection.fillEdges(
at com.graphhopper.routing.AStarBidirection.fillEdgesFrom(
at com.graphhopper.routing.AbstractBidirAlgo.runAlgo(
at com.graphhopper.routing.AbstractBidirAlgo.calcPath(

What's going wrong? Is there some config flag missing?


  • I think you have to pass the CH graph


    instead of just graph to the QueryGraph constructor.