I'm having a problem with corebuild
. I have written the following program:
open Core.Std
open Smtp
type person = {
name: string;
address: Smtp_unix.Addr.t
let send p1 p2 =
Smtp_unix.sendmail ~host:"gmail.google.fr"
~from:(Smtp_unix.Addr.of_string "<hidden>")
~body:("Hello "^p2.name)
let () =
let p1 = {name="alice"; address = Smtp_unix.Addr.of_string "[email protected]"} in
let p2 = {name="bob"; address = Smtp_unix.Addr.of_string "[email protected]"} in
match send p1 p2 with
| `Ok _ -> printf "Mail sent"
| `Failure (_,m) -> printf "Error: %s" m
which according to Merlin
is correct. To compile it, I run the following command
corebuild example.native -package smtp
and I get the following error, which I don't understand.
Error: No implementations provided for the following modules:
Smtp_unix referenced from example.cmx
I don't get what is wrong. Any idea?
Looks like smtp_unix is needed for smtp.
corebuild send.native -package smtp.unix -package smtp