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How to create multi-file template in PhpStorm (or WebStorm)?

I need 2 files for creating new component in React:


import React from 'react';
import css from './${NAME}.css';
const ${NAME} = () => (
export default ${NAME};


/* Empty */

Note: ${NAME} needs to be entered like constant while creating these files.

I would like to use PhpStorm (or WebStorm) file template feature (or some other simple way) to create both files - by only clicking to create component like on image below:


Is something like that possible ?


  • As far as I'm aware it's not possible right now unless you code a plugin for that yourself. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.

    UPDATE 2020-12-04: The aforementioned ticket has been fixed and multi-file templates are available since 2020.3 version.

    Some links if you are thinking about coding it yourself: