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Update values in a column based on a comparison of two other tables

In postgres I have 3 tables that are joined by two keys:

Key A joins tables 1 and 2, is not unique in table 1, is unique in table 2 and does not exist in table 3

Key B joins tables 2 and 3 does not exist in table 1 and is unique in tables 2 and 3.

I am looking to update a column in table 3 that should hold a count of records in table 1 (all values in that column are 0).


| Key |
| A1  |
| A1  |
| A1  |
| A2  |
| A2  |
| A3  |
| A3  |


| Key_A | Key_B |
| A1    | B1    |
| A2    | B2    |
| A3    | B3    |

Table_3 (desired result)

| Key_B | Count  |
| B1    |      3 |
| B2    |      2 |
| B3    |      2 |

I'm stuck at the update command (not familiar enough with them yet), I've got the counts I need with:

Select Table_3.Key_B, count(Table_1.*)
from Table_1
Join Table_2 on Table_1.Key_A = Table_2.Key_A
Join Table_3 on Table_2.Key_B = Table 3.Key_B
Group by 1

I'm just not quite sure how to update the the records in table 3 with the right counts. I think I might need a function but I'm not sure. Is this on the right track?

Create or replace function my_funct
  returns varchar as
      r         record
      select key_B from Table_3 into r;

      update Table_3
      set count = ( 
                   select count(*) 
                   from table_1
                   Join Table_2 on Table_1.Key_A = Table_2.Key_A
                   Join Table_3 on Table_2.Key_B = Table 3.Key_B
                   Where key_B = r


  • Avoid an expensive correlated subquery:

    update t3
    set c = t.c
    from (
        select t2.b, count(*) as c
        from t1 join t2 on t1.a = t2.a
        group by 1
    ) t
    where t3.b = t.b
    table t3;
     b | c 
     1 | 3
     2 | 2
     3 | 2

    As I understand key_B in table_2 is a foreign key to table_3 so it is not necessary to join table_3 in the from clause.

    create table t2 (a int primary key, b int unique);
    create table t1 (a int references t2);
    create table t3 (b int unique references t2, c int);
    insert into t2 (a, b) values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3);
    insert into t1 (a) values (1),(1),(1),(2),(2),(3),(3);
    insert into t3 (b) values (1),(2),(3);