Attached above is LabVIEW code that I have successfully used in the past to read frequency data from a device. I also usually use the Start Task VI between my property node and while loop.
I am trying to code this in C#. So far I have successfully been able to code analog Output's and analog Input's on my device, USB-6363, (so I know I am able to write and read data from the device successfully with C#).
I have also used multimeters (Grainger link at bottom of post) to read frequency data (Orange Hz mode that the device is set to in the picture).
However, my C# code seems to be having issues reading the frequency data. My C# code is attached. When I try running this program I get the following error. This is the same error that I get when using the example program called 'MeasDigFreqBuffCont_ExtClk_ArmStart.2013'. The code I show is just creating the task, I do call the code later in my program in a different section and that is how I am getting the error.
------------------------------------------------- Begin Error Code -------------------------------------------------
{Error=-200077 Message="Requested value is not a supported value for this property. The property value may be invalid because it conflicts with another property.\n\nProperty: NationalInstruments.DAQmx.CIChannel.FrequencyDivisor\nRequested Value: 1\nPossible Values: 4 to 4294967295\nChannel Name: Digital Frequency\n\nTask Name: _unnamedTask<0>\n\nStatus Code: -200077"}
------------------------------------------------- End Error Code --------------------------------------------------
In the example program it asks for a sample clock source (A PFI channel from the device). However in the LabVIEW code it does not ask for this. Is this example maybe more in detail than what I am trying to do?
Task frequencyInput = new Task();
"Digital Frequency",
frequencyInput.CIChannels["Digital Frequency"].FrequencyTerminal = "/Dev1/PFI0";
CounterSingleChannelReader counterFreq = new CounterSingleChannelReader(frequencyInput.Stream);
double counterFreqData = counterFreq.ReadSingleSampleDouble();
txtPFI0.Text = Convert.ToString(counterFreqData);
FLUKE (R) Fluke-115 Compact - Basic Features Digital Multimeter, 14° to 122°F Temp. Range
Formatting the error message:
Requested value is not a supported value for this property. The property value may be invalid because it conflicts with another property.
Property: NationalInstruments.DAQmx.CIChannel.FrequencyDivisor
Requested Value: 1
Possible Values: 4 to 4294967295Task Name: _unnamedTask<0>
Status Code: -200077
According to the documentation, you are asking the device to use an invalid divisor. Change your 1
to a 4
"Digital Frequency",
/* here */ 4,
NI installs C# examples for DAQmx, and it includes one for measuring frequency:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DotNET4.0\Counter\Measure Digital Frequency\MeasDigFrequency_LowFreq1Ctr\CS