I have a setup like this...
var model = { /* some variable names */, Traits[] };
var traits = // json array pulled from server.
$('input[type=checkbox]').button(); // jquery ui button control.
Now, in my HTML, I have a jQuery Template like this.
{{each(i, trait) traits}}
<input type='checkbox' id='chk${trait.Name}' />
<label for='chk${trait.Name}'>${trait.Name}</label>
Now, when I am creating things using this style, it works great. But when I go to edit things, I want the 'Traits' that have already been picked to be 'checked' by default. So I tried this code..
// jquery startup... variable loading, etc.
function evaluateCheckbox(item){
$("'#chk" + item.Name + "'").attr('checked', true);
Not only does this not check the boxes, but it then creates every checkbox twice. I don't understand why this is. Can anyone give me some insight, and an idea on how to fix it?
You have an extra set of qoutes in there, it should just be:
$('#chk' + item.Name).attr('checked', true);
You probably want to refresh the jQuery UI button's visible state afterwards as well, like this:
$('#chk' + item.Name).attr('checked', true).button('refresh');