I will say I have no idea where to begin, but am not afraid to get into VBA if needed (never done it, but can code in other languages).
My company possesses a master list of 800 numbers. I have 4 global regions. I the 4 global workbooks column A represents the last 4 of the 800 numbers from the master list. I need to check that every "last 4" is checked against the master list and report those which are not represented.
So it needs to For Each regional workbook column A and return true if it exists in Master workbook column A. Else, I need it to generate a list of the rows which are not matched against the master list.
Where can I learn such skills?
EDIT Added:
If your master workbook's location is the same with your region workbook and it isn't changed, just use this formula into cell B2 and press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER then fill down:
=IF(OR(TEXT(A2,0)=RIGHT('masterlist example.xlsx'!$A$2:$A$1000,4)),"YES","NO")