I tried this answer
but it hasn't really helped. I would like to perform a TPS (using Tps from Fields{}) on an XYZ dataframe where xy are co-orinates and z is a thickness. Then I would like to visualise the plot firstly before TPS and then after TPS..? Is this possible. Then I would like to extract predicted thicknesses for a given set of new xy co-ordinates..?
Please let me know if this is possible
My Dataframe looks like this, dataframe is called LSP:
xxxx 1 1.956 a -3465 -94350
xxxx 1 1.962 a -3465 -53850
xxxx 1 1.951 a 50435 -40350
xxxx 1 1.958 a -57365 -40350
So I tried this:
LSP.spline <- Tps(LSP[,5:6], LSP$MEAS)
out.p <- predict.surface(LSP.spline, xy = c(1,2))
plot.surface(out.p, type="p")
But out.p is just NULL..?
so attempting the plot gives me:
Error in nrow(z) : argument "z" is missing, with no default
Any help is appreciated. Paul.
is now an obsolete / deprecated function. Use predictSurface
fit<- Tps( BD[,1:4], BD$lnya) # fit surface to data
# evaluate fitted surface for first two
# variables holding other two fixed at median values
out.p<- predictSurface(fit)
surface(out.p, type="C")
Thanks for that - how about my second question....how can I extract predicted surface thickness values for a given set of XY locations..?
Use predict
function. Have a read on ?predict.Tps
. For the above example, let's say we want to predict at the first 4 locations in BD[, 1:4]
, we can do
predict(fit, x = BD[1:4, 1:4])
# [,1]
#[1,] 11.804124
#[2,] 11.804124
#[3,] 8.069056
#[4,] 9.501551
In general, pass x
a two-column matrix.