When I do git commit -a -S -m "Commit Message"
, I get this error:
You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: "Username (Gpg Key) <email-id>"
2048-bit RSA key, ID 2487BE7C, created 2016-10-03
error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object
But, it doesn't even ask/prompts for my passphrase when I commit. So, how and where do I enter my passphrase while using gpg's -S
I had the similar thing. I had the gpg and gpg2 binaries, both pointing to GPG version 2.0.30. I wasn't being prompted for my passphrase.
In your bash profile (I did it in my .zshrc file) add the following line:
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)