We have two glass views inherited from different Glass models, both working great individually.
Now, We want to insert one view into another. So I tried using the code below:
var model = new SitecoreContext().GetItem<IOurGlassModel>(path);
if (model != null)
@Html.Sitecore().ViewRendering("/Views/path/Banner.cshtml", new { Model = model })
This ended up with below error message:
Server Error in '/' Application. Could not locate item containing model definition. Model path: Castle.Proxies.IOurGlassModelProxy_1
Let me know if you need the full stack trace.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Use this insted:
@Html.Partial("/Views/path/Banner.cshtml", model)
The point is @Html.Sitecore().ViewRendering will re-invoke Sitecore pipelines and render your component from the begging. on the other side, using @Html.Partial will render the partial view using the same execution.
check this question for more details about the difference between the two methods: Sitecore View Rendering and Controller Rendering Helper