I'm trying to setup YCM to utilize autocompletion in C. I followed up the instruction described in the manaul.(:help YouCompleteMe) However it doen't show any autocompletion list for me. Part of flags in my ycm_extra_conf.py and debug info are like below. (ps, I also post my current status when I open C file and type pri (it should suggests printf or etc...)
Thanks :)
#C default header
Look at the very beginning:
Last two items become c-isystem
(see :YcmDebug
output). It may confuse compiler. I guess you meant -c
instead. Nevertheless such flag is redundant for YouCompleteMe
and may be omitted safely.
P.S. C++ headers confuse C compiler too, so you need to ensure that provided headers are consistent with current source file type (is it C or C++).