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How to resolve the red lines in default Confluence plugin pom.xml

I use "atlas-create-confluence-plugin" to create a Confluence plugin skeleton, and found the pom.xml has many red lines, some are for project build error and some are for dependancy missing.

As below picture shows, the red lines indicate many errors: enter image description here

How could I resolve the red lines since I used the official command to create this plugin project and didn't make any modification in the project.


  • I had the same problem in my Eclipse, because my Eclipse was configured with m2e Maven Integration for Eclipse.

    For example, Eclipse Maven can't resolve the packaging atlassian-packaging. You don't have to worry about the pom.xml errors because you'll be compiling, packaging, cleaning, etc. thru the terminal/command prompt using the atlas-mvn commands. You don't compile, build, etc. using Eclipse. Eclipse sort of becomes your glorified editor.