Is it possible to send automatic tweets from laravel like user. User must be logged by my twitter API, and then can I send tweet as him?Of course he must accept this action. I must know when user tweets my page. Can it work like facebook share? Is there tools for this?
Sorry for my english. Thanks for all answer.
PS. I do not mean this package . I need send tweets to user table.
Use this package.
Push in your console composer require abraham/twitteroauth
When all installed then you should add
use Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth;
to your class.
Now in function you must create connection with your api.
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(
CONSUMER_KEY, // Information about your twitter API
CONSUMER_SECRET, // Information about your twitter API
$access_token, // You get token from user, when him sigin to your app by twitter api
$access_token_secret// You get tokenSecret from user, when him sigin to your app by twitter api
If you created connection then you can send post as user. For example:
$connection->post("statuses/update", ["status" => "My first post!"]);