How to get Volume of 3D Solids inside a Block using Auto Lisp
(setq Teset
(ssget "X"
(list (cons 8 Layerdname));;;;;;;;;;;;;Select the Blocks from the Main Layer
(setq Tcntr 0)
(setq Ttvm 0)
(setq Ten (ssname Teset 0))
(setq Tvlaobj (vlax-ename->vla-object Ten))
(setq Tobjs (vla-Explode Tvlaobj))
..............Help here Please.............
(princ Tobjs)
In this Code adding the items on a layer to selection set and explode the first entity which is a block.
and i need to select all objects in that exploded block (all are 3d Solids) and print the volume
Thanks in Advance
(setq Tobjs (vla-explode block ) )
You can get volume by:
(setq ObjectsAsList (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value Tobjs ) ) )
(foreach % ObjectsAsList
(setq volume (vlax-get-property % 'volume ) )
(print volume )