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How to configure and use automapper 5.1.1

I have been looking at this, trying to figure out how to get AutoMapper to work. This is what I had earlier

public class DomainToViewModelMappingProfile: Profile
    public DomainToViewModelMappingProfile()
        Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Institution, InstitutionDataViewModel>()
        .ForMember(vm => vm.InstitutionID, map => map.MapFrom(s => s.InstitutionID))

Then followed by this

 public class AutoMapperConfiguration
    public static void Configure()
        Mapper.Initialize(x =>

Finally I have this in my startup.cs

// Automapper Configuration

My difficulty now is how to get this working in my controller and whether I am even on the right track. With all the varying information and different approaches all over the place i am terribly confused Thanks in advance


  • Your profile needs to call the non-static method. Change it from Mapper.CreateMap... to simply:

    public class DomainToViewModelMappingProfile : Profile
        public DomainToViewModelMappingProfile()
            CreateMap<Institution, InstitutionDataViewModel>()
            .ForMember(vm => vm.InstitutionID, map => map.MapFrom(s => s.InstitutionID))
            .ForMember(vm => vm.InstituteName, map => map.MapFrom(s => s.InstituteName))
            .ForMember(vm => vm.Circuit, map => map.MapFrom(s => s.AdministrativeStructure.AdminStructName))
            .ForMember(vm => vm.Level, map => map.MapFrom(s => s.Level.LevelName))