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Control visible/invisible of the menu items of shiny dashboard using "shinyjs" package

Can I friendly ask a question about “shinyjs” package?

I built a shiny dashboard and I would like to set a function using “shinyjs” to control the visible/invisible of menu items.

I designed the first menu item/page is to select the data for this dashboard. After the users selected the data they want, I don’t want them to go back to change their selection. So I want to design a button that if users click this button, the first menu item will disappear but the rest of the menu item will appear.

I am sure it is possible but I think it need some Javascript knowledge to code it.

It is just like the answer for this question but my is just toggling the visible/invisible of menu items.

activate tabpanel from another tabpanel

I appreciate any replies!

Thank you!



  • I solved it by adding tags$div() for the items that I want to hide/show.


      class = "header",
      id = "haha",
        tags$em("DIY Pivot Table", style = "font-size:170%"),
        icon = icon("bar-chart-o"),
        tabName = "Pivot"
        tags$em("Search Data", style = "font-size:170%"),
        icon = icon("bar-chart-o"),
        tabName = "searchdata"


    observeEvent(input$showSidebar, {


    So in this way, you can use the input$showSidebar to control visible/invisible of menu items.