I want to organize my data by one category on the X-axis, but color it by another category as in this example:
Graph 1, without coloring:
nocolor <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=as.factor(cyl), y=disp)) +
geom_dotplot(binaxis="y", stackdir = "center")
Graph 2, with coloring:
nododge <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=as.factor(cyl), y=disp, fill=as.factor(gear))) +
geom_dotplot(binaxis="y", stackdir = "center")
One problem that occurs after introducing coloring is that the dots belonging to different groups wont dodge one another anymore. This causes problems with my real data, as I get dots that happen to have the same value and completely obscure one another.
Then I tried this, but it garbled my data:
Graph 3:
garbled <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=as.factor(cyl), y=disp)) +
geom_dotplot(binaxis="y", stackdir = "center", fill=as.factor(mtcars$gear))
The dots dodge one another, but the the coloring is just random and is not true to the actual data.
I expected the answer to this question to solve my problem, but the coloring remained random:
Graph 4:
graphdata <- mtcars
graphdata$colorname <- as.factor(graphdata$gear)
levels(graphdata$colorname) <- c("red", "blue", "black")
jalapic <- ggplot(graphdata, aes(x=as.factor(cyl), y=disp)) +
geom_dotplot(binaxis="y", stackdir = "center", fill=as.character(graphdata$colorname))
Does anyone have an idea how to get the dots in Graph #2 to dodge one another, or how to fix the coloring in graphs 3 or 4? I would really appreciate any help, thanks.
Using binpositions = "all"
and stackgroups = TRUE
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=as.factor(cyl), y=disp, fill=as.factor(gear))) +
geom_dotplot(binaxis="y", stackdir = "center", binpositions="all", stackgroups=TRUE)
A possible alternative is using stackdir = "up"
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=as.factor(cyl), y=disp, fill=as.factor(gear))) +
geom_dotplot(binaxis="y", stackdir = "up", binpositions="all", stackgroups=TRUE)
which gives: