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Spring remember-me with MongoDB does not delete tokens

I followed this tutorial to implement remember-me functionality with MongoDB.

The tokens are saved in the database when i click the rememberme checkbox in the login page. If i delete the db entry manually and the cookie JSESSIONID maxage has expired i am getting logged out and if the JSESSIONID has expired and the remember-me cookie does not, i am still logged in which is great.

All works well but i have a question. The removeUserTokens function is never called, should i manually delete the token entry from the database? If yes where should i implement this?

Thank you.


  • After searching it a bit more i found that when i logout and having this to my configuration:

    http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/signup", "/about").permitAll().antMatchers("/doctor/**")

    the removeUserTokens method is called and the associated token is deleted from the db. I think the trick is made by:


    Also as notionquest said above i added a Spring cron job to run every Friday at 3 AM in case of something is left in the db.

    @Scheduled(cron = "0 0 3 * * FRI")
    public void doScheduledWork() {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH, -2);
        tokenRepository.deleteBeforeDated(calendar.getTime());"INFO", "Cron job runed at " + new Date() + " until " + calendar.getTime() + " !");