I have this instance of a NSManageObect that I create without a valid context just to use it to hold data and pass it around
convenience init() {
let entityDescription = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("UserEntity", inManagedObjectContext:managedContext)
self.init(entity: entityDescription!, insertIntoManagedObjectContext: nil)
But sometimes it's handy for me to actually let them be tracked (saved) by Core Data as well. In those instances I do the following to add it to core data managed object context
This all works great.
My question is, does is actually matter whether if I re-insert the same reference to myManagedContext couple of times? Is there any down sides to this re-insertion? in my mind it shoudln't make a difference as it's inserting the same object reference.
It's safe as long as two conditions are true:
It would be safer to make the insert call look something like
if myUserEntityObject.objectID.isTemporaryID {